Uncomfortably, Beautifully Human
Uncomfortably, Beautifully Human
"I've finally made it"

"I've finally made it"

After taking some space from my newsletter over the past month, I'm arriving back in your inbox with a poem that I wrote a few weeks ago. It feels quite present for me right now.
I get someone to 'see me'
and then what?

A lot of comments from people I don't know 
some likes to add to the show that I have 


proven my worth 
Funny, how I used to care about metrics and mayhem
raising the stakes so that I, fingers crossed, could say

"I've finally made it"

Only to sit back down in my fame 
and miss the quietness of not being known 
in my little home 
when only three people knew my name 
and, still, I was never alone 

I guess I've grown from the days of trying to 'make it' 
I guess I got bored
of this path to the idea of 'assured success'
Asserting myself in the noise and the mess 

I guess I want something different 

that, right now, I don't know 
I only have space for seeds to quietly sow

I suppose
I'm checking out of every rat race
to do life at my own rhythm and pace 

with love,


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Uncomfortably, Beautifully Human
Uncomfortably, Beautifully Human
A podcast that grows and changes with me. Full of inspiring conversations, meditations, moments of introspection, poetry and even more, Uncomfortably, Beautifully Human in its current evolution, intends to create the space for the full continuum of human experience to be seen, heard and witnessed. Coming outside of the conventions of how a podcast should be and what it should look like, I intend to offer you into my world as it changes and evolves. I hope you find the episode that you most need at this moment in time.