This poem reminds me of the time I spent in Southern France and Spain around this time of year a decade ago. I sat at many tables like yours, sipping coffee or wine, smoking a cigarette, full of so much wonder about my potential futures.

Now that a lot of my former questions have been answered I feel nostalgic for that season of life, the richness of the unknown, pregnant with possibility. 💗

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Beautiful Mariah - can you remember some of those former questions that you sat with during that time? I'd be curious to hear x

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Yes! I was in love at the time with my soulmate and had a lot of questions about the outcome of our relationship- we were long-distance and from different cultures, it was complicated to say the least but our connection was so strong. The question of when to return home or where to build a new one was also lingering, I traveled solo for about 14 months and knew I didn't want to go back to my job as a nurse or back home to Kansas City either but I also didn't know how to sustain my traveling financially and was growing a bit road weary, too.

I was in my mid twenties and all of these unknowns seemed so BIG and impossible to solve. In the end, the life I fantasized- being married to my soulmate and living in the French countryside together with two kiddos did not come true. An entirely different path unfolded, one that I'm so grateful for today. There have been a lot of unpredictable twists and turns in the last decade but all I really have to say is, "thank you."

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Very interesting to see into your thought processes at the time and to know that even if its not the path you wish, you won't miss what is truly for you - thank you for sharing Mariah. 💖

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